“We don’t see the world as it is, we see it as we are.”
mindset - Strategy - execution
MINDSET. Your thoughts and emotions control your behavior. They determine the actions that you take and the actions that you don't take. Unfortunately, many of us go about our daily lives unconscious to the limiting beliefs we carry with us. How you behave when you are scared is vastly different from the person you are when you are feeling confident and capable. For example, I could provide you with several strategies to achieve your goal but if deep down you feel like you aren't good enough or believe that going after what you want is too risky, then you will never successfully implement the strategies to accomplish your goal. That is why it is important to start the coaching process by examining your current mindset and teaching you how to become more aware of your thoughts and emotions and how they control your behavior.
STRATEGY. Once you understand how your mindset controls your behavior we can use that knowledge to shift your perspective from one where you see things as risky to one where you see things as possible. From the place of possibility, we create a strategy that you can confidently implement by creating long-term and short-term goals.
EXECUTION. This is the phase where we face the greatest challenge and also where we experience the greatest reward. Execution is all about taking action despite your fears and limiting beliefs. It is where you discover a reserve of personal strength that you have never tapped into before. This is where you shift from hiding behind your excuses to taking courageous actions aligned with your inspirational goals and desires.
Like a personal trainer who you would hire to reach your fitness goals, the role of a coach is to push you to be your best self when it comes to your career goals. That means not letting you get stopped by your excuses or hide from your dreams. By listening carefully and asking you the right questions, a skilled coach helps you dig deeper to find the answers and solutions to your challenges. By teaching you powerful strategies, coaching helps you shift your perspective and opens you up to new possibilities for action. Ultimately a coach's job is not to tell you what to do, but to help you see that you are more capable than you realize.
You bring the desire to live a more fulfilling life, doing work that matters to you, and the commitment to overcome the challenges that show up as part of any change process.
Each career coaching session combines self-inquiry with action planning to get you closer to your goals. We begin sessions with a clearly defined topic and an understanding of what you want to accomplish. At the close of calls, we determine your next steps and the actions you want to be held accountable for. We use this information to track your progress and determine the best possible strategies for moving forward.